Claudine Gay, Harvard’s serial plagiarist, moral reprobate, and millionaire, has been transformed into a hero of the media, civil rights and Democrat Party overnight on Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show. Not because she is a victim, but because American Marxists helped her become president of Harvard. Gay’s defenders are the same ones who slander Clarence Thomas and any conservative minority with hate, vileness, and viciousness. They want to control our universities and colleges, but they also want transparency and academic freedom. The ideological advance of the left is what has led to the rise of homosexuality. Democrats also want Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential race to be Adolf Hitler against George Washington. Biden is a liar and will say or do anything to gain power. Biden is against America and Democracy. That’s why he promotes Marxism, equity and racism at every opportunity. The 1,000-page Jeffrey Epstein’s list was later released. It is bad news for Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. There is no evidence linking people like Trump or Alan Dershowitz to Epstein’s criminal activities, despite the efforts of the left. Mark talks with Kansas State Representative Michael Murphy on the Convention of States Movement and the last hope we have in addressing the radical left’s reengineering of the Constitutional Republic.

Washington Examiner

Associated Press violates media ethics when reporting on Harvard leader’s resign


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Photo taken by Erin Clark/The Boston Globe

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Hour 1 rough transcription

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin is here. Our number is 877-381 3811. 877-381-3811. There’s a lot to cover. We go deeper than that, as you may know. This is why, sometimes, I like to wait and see what happens. But Claudine Gay. See the reaction from the media to the fake civil rights movement. The Democrat Party is the umbrella that covers all of this. This is what I posted on social media. Harvard’s serial plagiarist, moral reprobate and millionaire has become a media hero and Democrat Party over night. Why? She’s not a victim; she’s actually a victimizer. Her appointment as Harvard’s president was made possible by the American Marxist agenda. These same Claudine homosexual defenders rank among the most hateful, vicious and vile people who are slandering Clarence Thomas. Or any conservative minority. Gay is unqualified to be a member of any college faculty or president. Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual property and lying about it, deceiving an entire college. Gay will get richer with book deals, speaking engagements and everything else, while playing the victim card, and taking no accountability for her contemptible conduct and unconscionable reactions, both before the House Education Committee, and as Harvard’s President when Jewish students were receiving threats, assaults and physical abuse. It depends on the context in which it occurs. It may be the Democrats, or their Marxist subrogates, who promote this racist view, but that is all it is. They are told that black women cannot compete or succeed unless they have special privileges, and even worse, if they cheat and lie. They stole intellectual property from at least another black woman scholar Carol Swain who is furious that Gaye has stolen her work. Of course, this is not mentioned. The media and the so-called civil right leaders couldn’t care less. Why? Swain is not just a brilliant intellect, but she’s also conservative. More American Marxists are now in control of our colleges and universities. They want no transparency, no oversight and no academic freedom on these campuses. Campuses are Marxist indoctrination factories. The Democrat Party is dependent on the schools that produce the so-called journalist graduates and the mobs who have taken over the streets. Academic standards are being lowered. Admissions policies are now left-wing ideologic tests, based on American Marxist agenda. Asians are treated unfairly. Graduation ceremonies and other preferred classes are segregated. Conservative speakers who are left-winged and threatening, have to flee for their lives. Gay, with Barack Obama’s backing. I bet he had a hand in her statement. The perfect Harvard president. Was the perfect Harvard president. Where they hate America Marxist revolutionaries. They will fight until the end to keep these schools safe from any reform, improvement or accountability. You understand? Now, I’ve been on TV and radio. On. Joe Biden’s plagiarism is discussed in detail. I won’t bore you again. At length. If you want to really know what is going on. If you want to really know what is going on, then I urge those who believe that the Democrat Party despises America. The events are exactly what I predicted. Read chapter three. You can read chapter 3. The civil rights movement of the past is gone. Equal opportunity and justice for all are no longer important. Equal opportunity and equal justice are now the norm. From a constitutional-legal perspective, this has been achieved. There is nothing systemic. Judicial inequality. Except, of course. Do you think the courts are corrupted and rife with racists? You don’t believe that the Department of Justice has racists, unless, of course, it is true. You don’t believe in racism in these cities and minority communities. You can’t believe these juries. In our cities and metropolises are racist. The Democrat Party does not believe in logic. Hypocrisy is not something I care about. It’s all about power. It’s all about power. They’ll rally around Jay, because she serves their purposes. Because of its wire services, The Associated Press has the largest operation in the press world. It’s a disgrace, it’s unconscionable. Rat’s nest. Of bigots. Racists. Anti-Semites. They sent a piece to thousands of their subscribers, media subscribers and all media platforms. The Washington Post is a bastardized version of the Washington Post. The Washington Post’s bastard. You know this was a victory for conservatives? You know what, then? I wear it proudly. I wear it proudly. We conservatives are against anti-Semitism. We conservatives are against plagiarism. We conservatives are against the separation of students on the basis of their identity. We are against CRT. We are against the AEI, and everything else. This is being forced on our children, and our society. We conservatives are committed to preserving our Constitution. We are a group of conservatives who believe in the Declaration and each individual. We value each individual. Each individual has a God-given right to free will. We conservatives will fight this American Marxist Revolution. Understand what is happening. America. They all dance like the Rockettes on stage. Iraq has. Oh, this is the leg. Yeah. You’re right. But their ugly. Media, Democrat Party, phony civil right movement which is now a Marxist movement. It is what it really is. The civil rights movement doesn’t advance the cause of African Americans. It’s all about the advancement of Marxism. Like the rest of Democrat Party. American Marxism You might have heard about it. They are the same people that have been trying to destroy for decades. Clarence Thomas. Promote. Claudine Gay, this woman. Why? She is the ultimate result of their ideology. In many ways, Barack Obama, you’re the same. You have a special affinity for her. For her. You’re doing it to protect her. You are invisible because of this. Many of the events are being orchestrated by Hand. You’re a sham by the time that you become a senator, and then president. You’re praised. What did you accomplish that was so great? You did many things that were awful. You weren’t a good president. You weren’t a good leader for the black community. You are doing for the black community. Donald Trump has done more for the black communities than you have ever done. It’s true. So if you support. People who steal. The words themselves, not just paragraphs. Then lie about it. They get promoted as a consequence. Harvard president. It is a result of this. Your perfect Democrat. Al Sharpton: By the way, no one needs to hear a lecture from your mouth. Hall a. Nobody. You can talk about race or anything else. You’re a fool. It’s fitting, though, that he would be a kind of character witness for his homosexuality. Yes, I agree. Media, leftists and Marxists. Consider what they say. This is what I said in my post. Imagine what they say to black people. Think about the young people of color, especially young black women. This kind of behavior is something you should defend. You should defend this kind of conduct. Because of an individual. Hypocritically and unconscionably. Both people were punished for the exact same act. It depends on context. It depends on context when you harass and victimize and threaten and abuse Jewish students. Understand? The entire Democrat Party. Apparatus. Supports. Supports. You can get ahead by supporting others. You can get ahead in Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Al Sharpton America. Jake TAPPER? I told you that Jake TAPPER wasn’t in trouble. Jake TAPPER represents America. You can get away with this. They are the racists. They are racists. What kind of message is that? Former President Gai is a millionaire. A millionaire. She won’t lose a dime. She won’t be fired. She won’t be thrown out into the street. What did she do to celebrate? What message is she sending? Two or two little black girls? All girls are children. It’s okay to cheat and write the scam. It’s okay to write a scam and be a fraud. It’s okay. Silence is the best way to sit. Sit still while your fellow humans are being threatened. Choke. Choke. At Harvard College. At Harvard College, that’s the standard. CNN and Jake TAPPER Journalism. Journalism. Joy Reid. Joy Reid is the intellectual and philosophical queen of our movement. She is bloodthirsty. Hate. Hate. She’s given an opportunity to speak every day by Comcast’s dispute. The lesson for the academic community and everyone else is to never, ever fire anyone. Someone of Mugabe’s ideological bent. You’ll either pay for it. Dare not to question what is happening in our universities and colleges. We won’t allow it. This is what’s happening. Chapter Three The Democrat Party Hates America Next, I’d like to talk about Joe Biden and the upcoming events. We’ll be back shortly.

Segment 2

We have talked about it. Since a long time. Over the years, Democrats have created a false reality. I have spent a great deal of time discussing how they. I’ve written about it a lot, and how they tried to characterize. Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin. Others. Joe Biden wants Donald Trump to be Adolf Hitler in the next presidential election. He’s George Washington. He wants Adolph Hitler to be elected now against George Washington. Let me first comment on something more minor. All those people who claim that Joe Biden is not running for president are wrong. It doesn’t necessarily mean he will be the final nominee. He’s still running. He’s running. You must stick with me. I want to expand on what I have said before. They want the election to be Adolph Nazi versus George Washington. They suddenly like George Washington. This is why I have to figure it out. We’ll be back in a moment.

Segment 3

So Joe Biden. He’s an evil S.O.B.. As I told you previously, he is nothing more than a street hack political who will say and do anything. It’s all about power. It’s quite disgusting. To me, it’s a disgusting thing. He’s now going to run for office on the 6th of January. I think he is going to Valley Forge. It’s getting interesting. There are real events in this country. He could not go to the massive Washington, D.C. rally against Hamas, and pro-Israel. He was busy. He was too busy. A toxic leak has left the town in a terrible state. Palestine, Ohio. Too busy to do that. Too busy for a proper aerial tour of the border. Has no desire to know what is happening there. The list is endless. But Joe. Joe considers himself to be a leader in civil rights. Joe painted himself as a civil rights leader. Joe will go to Valley Forge. This is very odd. Washington Examiner Biden’s team wants to make the 2024 contest all about someone other than president. Breitbart. Biden will observe the January 6 was speech at Valley Forge. AP Biden will begin 2024 by exploring some of America’s darkest memories. National Review. Biden’s campaign will, quote, double down on its pitch to defend democracy in 2024. The problem is. You’re the most intelligent audience. You’ll understand everything we say. There are many people. Lies are used by those who believe them. Fear mongering is a form of work. Work. Joe Biden is not qualified. To go there and promote democracy Now! By democracy, I’m referring to constitutional Republicanism. But we will use the term democracy because it’s what people are using. We’re not a democratic country, and our framers did not want to be associated with one. Democracies are those that read and sign the Declaration of Independence. This is why we are not a democratic country. You have inalienable human rights. So, I reject populism. Populism is closer to democracy. Americanism is the name of it. It is constitutionalism slash Republicanism. That’s another story. Biden is going to Valley Forge to remind us about the January 6th insurrection. Isn’t that strange? Joe Biden’s regime is populated with Obama Marxists. We have done everything possible to destroy the heritage of our country. To destroy our history. His party. What is there to do? George Washington’s party, however, embraces the 1619 Project. His party is a proponent of critical race theory. His party is against the real American history. His party is dismissive. The men who fought in the Revolutionary War. The men who founded our country and government. As slaveholders. As segregationist, as racists. You only need to watch MSNBC or CNN. The 1619 Project was launched by The New York Times. CRT is used in more than half of our public schools. This is the Democrat Party. Then. He is going to Valley Forge. As a boy and a man, I visited Valley Forge a lot. My family had a rich history. My parents ran a summer day camp and a nursery school. Every year, we took a trip to Valley Forge and we heard the history. It is the same Democrat Party which has been destroyed. Monticello is the home of Jefferson. Madison’s home is where left-wing propaganda thrives. Washington’s house is safe because it’s owned by a trust. The federal government does not manage it. Joe Biden despises America. Why did he sign all those executive order early on? He promoted equity twice, and Marxism is at the core of everything he does. Joe Biden continues to talk about America as a racist society. Joe Biden chases ambulances. Joe Biden is always on the lookout for a horrible event. He will run to the event, particularly if it can be racialized. It was probably in or around Atlanta, like he did that one time. There were a lot of Asian women who were murdered. But there was a mass murder. Was it bigotry or something else? Was it about prostitution? It turned out that this didn’t stop Joe & Jill. Kamala was there celebrating Kwanzaa. Before Kwanzaa was even established. Everyone is in on the revolution. Joe Biden launches a grotesque advertising campaign. He wants to label the opponents. This is a vast majority of Republicans, conservatives and other political parties. They portray themselves as people who opposed the founding of this country when they were actually those who defended and supported it. He knows that his media will repeat everything he believes. They belong to the same party. They share the same ideologies. They attended the same schools. Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Since Woodrow Wilson. Another Democrat. Why am I saying that? This is a damn whole chapter. The evidence is all there. I, unlike the president, have all my notes with me. Check the sources as much as you like. They’re accurate. All my books contain hundreds of notes at the end. You said that. Maybe. Okay. Perhaps I could become the President of Harvard. Mr. Producer. Where can I apply? Excuse me. Homework. Jewish male I am straight. This will not happen. Never mind. That said. John Eastland was one of Joe Biden’s closest friends in the U.S. Senate when he arrived. John Eastland is or was unknown to most of you. John Eastland is a racist, a segregationist. He was a Mississippi old-schooler. He was. He was in the Senate for many decades. John Stennis, the junior Senator from Mississippi who was elected two years later, served in the Senate for decades. Segregationist and racist. Both of them. Both of them. They both opposed all civil rights legislation ever brought to the Senate floor. Joe Biden was friends with both of them. Maybe. Does Charlie intend that God will take notice? He doesn’t like Biden, but he should know the history. Joe Biden is from Wilmington, Delaware. He says he is from Scranton. He was five when he said that. He wasn’t born into the milieu. The time. He wanted to appeal to some Democrats in Delaware, because the state was split during the Civil War. He needed votes. In 1972. A half-century ago. Delaware. This mindset. He tried to tread a thin line, but never crossed the fine line that you did. He befriended the east. Lennie became friends with Stennis. He spoke highly about George Wallace. In an essay, a biographer claimed that Joe Biden did not just agree with racists. He was a full participant. They tried to stop the integration of public schools. If you have been listening to HANNITY for a while, you know that our communities are undergoing a transformation. He said that it would become a jungle. He did not want his children to be in a jungle. He said something else. He did other things. As a Senator. He lied about the civil rights records he had. He has no record of civil rights. Zero. He could be the president of Harvard. He’s a cheater and a plagiarism. He’s also as dumb as a rock. Perhaps that’s the reason Obama chose them. Now this man. Who was the first to earn his. He has earned his reputation as a good old boy. Now, this man is traveling the country. He suddenly has more energy. He has a new wind. Valley Forge, he will go there. He will go to these locations. He saw that he was on the side the angels. Place Donald Trump to the side of Satan. Joe Biden is despicable. A despicable liar. It’s frightening to think that a man of such low IQ and complete lack morality could end up in the Oval Office. He is there. And. This effort. This effort to. By Biden. By his regime, and by his operatives. By his media. By his media. His front groups, his billionaires and his party. Our system is under attack. This has never happened before. This has never happened before in the United States. Joe Biden now wants to be George Washington at Valley Forge. Two years ago. George Washington was not his favorite. Or the men that founded America. With a person. Who wrote. The Constitution was ratified and adopted, but the authors wanted nothing to with it. Valley Forge is where it will be. What’s next? Gettysburg. He demeans us. He demeans our country. He is a disgrace. He and his supporters are running this campaign because he has done terrible things to our nation. He has destroyed our energy independence. What is going on at the border? Was an act betrayal. A betrayal of the American people. He is destroying our culture. He has destroyed women’s sport. He is contributing to the destruction of our K-through-12 and colleges. He is destroying our dollar economy so that they can use all the statistics created by the government. I don’t care about them. They are destroying our military just as they have destroyed our police force. They’ve seized all the power. The federal judiciary and the federal justice system are all against him. When I return, I will have more to say.

Segment 4

In 1975. Then Senator Joe Biden said to the radical left wing Philadelphia Inquirer, that the Democrat Party would be able to, quote, tolerate a liberal George Wallace who is not afraid of standing up and offending people, unquote. Biden was also a proponent of desegregation in the same year. Quote, “of our public schools, reject the entire movement of black pride.” Really. Biden stated two years later in 1977 that his children would grow up in an unorganized racial environment. By 1977, he was a grown-up. He developed a close friendship with racist politicians such as James Eastland of Mississippi and John Stennis. He even went as far as to praise Stannis who signed the Southern Manifesto in 1956 opposing racial inclusion of public spaces. In 1988, he also praised Stannis in the Senate. All of this is going to escape scrutiny. There are a lot of praises he gives Robert Byrd who filibustered 1964 act. When I return, more.

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