Mark Levin’s show on Thursday featured President Biden playing the same game that Democrats used against Donald Trump, saying he was saving our democracy, while burning down the Constitutional Republic. Biden is a simpleton who only cares about his family and power. He has a long history of white supremacy and bigotry. Biden is an Obama-Sanders Marxist who wants to implement the plan. The media, however, will allow Biden to run for president as the saviors of democracy. The 14th Amendment was intended to label Confederate officers insurrectionists. However, Democrats are rewriting the history to include Trump as well. It won’t prevent people like Chris Christie, who will continue to go on The View as a hysterical idiot and call Trump an “insurrectionist”, from calling him such. With all the interference in the elections and the efforts to remove Trump’s name from the ballot, we are heading into a new Civil War. Mark talks with Trent Staggs about the upcoming elections and an antisemitic incident with Kyrie Irving during a Utah Jazz match.

Fox News

Levin blasts Biden for his ‘bigoted and racist’ past. He asks the ex-VP, ‘Are You Still a White Supremacist?’ (October 1 2020)

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Photo taken by Tasos Kathopodis

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Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin, this is our number. Hello. 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. Okay. It’s time to eat. Please put down your spoon, fork and knife. Hold the steering wheel steady if you are driving. Many people in the store restaurant are wearing headphones and earbuds to listen to the show. Listen to what’s being said, and then continue doing whatever you are doing. Listen to my reaction. You’re going be very angry in the first minute. So predictable, in fact, as Joe Biden. My reaction. It’s from the first of October, 2020. It’s because it’s the exact same playbook the Democrats used for the midterms, and the same one they used against Donald Trump in 2019. You see, they are saving democracy while destroying our constitutional republic. They think that they are going to the entire American people. The American people are not stupid. They’re stupid. Let’s begin with the most painful part. This is the first and new Joe Biden advertisement created by Marxists – the reprobates Islamists. All the others who will be voting for Joe Biden have 17 votes left. The preservation of American democracy is the main issue in my presidency. I’m talking about how he speaks like a drunk. It’s a look. Start over. Go ahead. My presidency is centered around the preservation of American Democracy. I support free and fair elections, the right to vote and for your vote to be counted. Something dangerous is happening in America. There is an extremist group. It doesn’t share our basic democratic beliefs. We are all being asked, right now: What can we do to preserve our democracy? Watch the world. Watch. Our children and grandchildren are going to hold us accountable for sneezing in their faces. Since the first day of your administration, I have been a supporter of voting rights. I urge all Americans to join me. America is still full of possibilities. We the people hold the power. This is our soul. We are the United States. We can react to anything, Mr. Executive. Joe Biden, I am Joe Biden. I agree with this message. To be completely honest, what a stupid asset. Now, The Real Joe Biden. One October 2020. I was on HANNITY, and he only gave me nine minutes. Because I dug in. Listen to this. What did Joe Biden just tell you about Joe Biden? It’s the biggest Lie. Yes, it’s true. This is from three years ago, when they did the same thing to Donald Trump. Cut 18, go. The president of the United States is constantly asked, which I find outrageous, if he will denounce white supremacy. He has done it twenty times. But I’m going to be honest with the American people. Tonight, go with the leader of the media. I want you all to ask me this question. Joe Biden is still a White Supremacist. That’s right. Is he a bigot still? Because it took me forty minutes to find all of this, I will use Joe Biden’s own words that any moderator or debate moderator should not use. Joe Biden, quote from 1975, October 12. You said that to the Philadelphia Inquirer. George Wallace is a liberal who doesn’t hesitate to speak out and defend others. I believe the Democratic Party can stand someone like him. He says that also refers to Alabama’s notorious George Wallace, as well as 1975, Joe Biden. He says this also refers to Alabama’s George Wallace. Also 1975, Joe Biden. Quote, I think that the concept of busing is to integrate people, so that everyone has the same access, and that they can learn to grow together. All the rest, is a reject of the black awareness concept. Black is beautiful. Black culture should be studied. And the cultural awareness that their own identity is important. If 1975 doesn’t promote segregation, or oppose integration, I don’t what else does. The New York Times, 1977. Joe Biden. All comments. He claims that non-orderly racial policies and non-orderly racial policies will cause his children to live in a racial wilderness. He says that unless we do something, my children will grow up in a racial jungle. The jungle is a racial one, with tensions so high they’re about to explode. Joe Biden’s 1977 letters to racist Southern Senator James Eastland. Eastland was just as racist and bigoted a segregationist democratic from Mississippi. Quote 1977. Biden wrote in the Washington Post on June 30, 1977, “I want you to be aware of how much i appreciate your assistance during this week’s committee meeting, and trying to bring my antibusing legislation up for a vote.” I wonder how that was forgotten. Eastland, a Mississippi Democratic legislator who was a former plantation owner and believed that blacks were inferior races, fought against desegregation for the duration of his career. They have correspondence between Eastland and Biden dating back to 1972 about Eastland’s friendship. Let’s move on to 1987. Biden tried to appeal to whites during a fundraising tour across the South in 1987 for his unsuccessful 1988 presidential campaign. He told audiences that he received a George Wallace award in 1973 and that segregationists praised him as one of America’s outstanding young politicians. Joe Biden, 1988. Also in 1988, on the floor the United States Senate. Biden described segregationist John Stennis from Mississippi as, quote, a man of character. He said it of Stennis who was against Brown versus Board of Education and the Southern Manifesto. Many of these Democrat Southerners signed this racist manifesto. Biden boasted about Stennis giving him the table where the Southern Manifesto had been signed. Wow. How could the media have missed this? The media reported that this is the reason we are going to the American people and communicating with them, especially African-Americans. 2017. 2017. Joe Biden: “I’ve been around for so long.” James is my co-worker. James Eastland was a segregationist who lived in Mississippi. When I arrived, there were still seven or eight segregationists in the Democratic Party. You would get up and argue with them like the devil. You go to a restaurant and eat together. The political system was working. The political system at Biden worked. Comments made by Biden about his time working with segregationists in 2019. Biden was talking about the time he worked with Georgia segregationist Herman Talmadge and Eastland in the 1970s. Biden claimed that he was in a Caucus with James Eastland, before imitating an accent from the South and saying the Senator, the Senator never called me boy. This is, as we know, a term derogatory used against black men. Next, the Biden crime act of 1994. The bill wasn’t called just the crime act. The Biden Crime Bill was called that. He’s kind of hiding from it. The Democrat Senate was the main author. Bill Clinton signed the bill that was passed by the Democrat House. Biden, however, was the chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee. Here is what he said. There are predators in our streets. He said that this society was in fact created in part due to its neglect. Biden, in a speech before the House, described a group of young people who were born without parents and without supervision. They had no structure or conscious development because they haven’t been socialized. He said that we need to focus on these young people now, because they or some of them could become predators if we do not. In 15 years. Who do you think he is referring to? Biden’s remarks in 1993 about predators were similar to those made by Hillary Clinton, who warned that super predators had no conscience and no empathy and needed to be brought down. 2010. Oh, man, Oh, man. How does he get away with his racist, bigoted past remarks coming from his mouth? Robert Byrd founded the Klan of West Virginia in 2010. West Virginia broke away from Virginia because it was in the union during the Civil War. Robert Byrd begins a Klan chapter in West Virginia. The Democrats are so excited about him. He filibustered against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He was made majority leader of the Democrat Party and Joe Biden was one of his friends. He supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He said to me that this was the funeral for many of us. Bye-bye. Byrd had been a friend and mentor to many of us. Richard Spencer, I’ve got a question for you. Have you ever heard of him? Taylor is the topic. He’s like the head of the Klan, or the neo Nazi movement in the United States. He endorsed Shaun. He endorsed Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. When our President Donald Trump was questioned about David Duke, Donald Trump denounced David Duke. He denounced David Duke, whom David Duke had endorsed. What do you make of that? He denounced the act. He repeatedly denounced the act in 2016. Richard Spencer is more powerful than David Duke when it comes to the subhuman, crackpot white supremacists. Biden has never been asked what he believes about this. Now, I’m ready to move on. Mara MacNamara has 30 seconds. Okay. Let me end with this last question. Let me end with this. Joe Biden, do you still believe in white supremacy? You’re still a racist? Kamala Harris called Kamala Harris a bigot. In many ways, I still think you are. You are still in many ways, because you only yell and call a president a liar. You’re a disaster. You are a disaster. You started interrupting President Obama, just like you did with Paul Ryan. Let’s get Biden would not have a chance if there was an honest press instead of a corrupt press mark. HANNITY showed a great deal of tolerance towards me in that program, which I greatly appreciate, but I still had many things to explain. It didn’t take long for me to find all this information, because I had used it before. It’s all about the extremist movement. Joe Biden is an evil, diabolical simpleton. He has never been concerned about black people. He has never been interested in Jews. He is concerned about his own well-being, the enrichment of his family and a possible reelection. He enjoys his life. He’s only ever done that. Run for office. He only cares about power. It’s nothing like Obama who is a true Marxist, or Bernie Sanders a Marxist committed. Joe Biden is an aspiring Marxist. He’s just implementing their schedules, agendas, and plans. It’s the way he got to power, and it’s also how he plans to stay in power. Every media outlet in America knows what I said to Sean back then, and everything I played for you. Yet they allowed Joe Biden to run for president. They claimed that he was for democracy and that MAGA would make America great once again. They now turn it into a Nazi-like statement. Make America Great Again. He’s saying that he supports democracy, and he is trashing the Make America Great Again movement. Pathetic. What has Joe Biden done, to quote unquote, advance the cause for democracy? Nothing. The opposite is true. Joe Biden will be going to Valley Forge. On the East Coast, we may be hit by a storm. Valley Forge. The last time I checked is along the East Coast, and in some parts of Pennsylvania. He has moved up his speech to mark the anniversary of democracy on January 6 due to the winter storm that is expected in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. He’s not George Washington this weekend, Mr. Presiden. George Washington spent several weeks in Valley Forge during one of the worst winter storms ever recorded. Joe Biden will move his January 6th speech to the 5th of January. You don’t want the cold weather to catch you off guard. I’ll be back shortly.

Segment 2

Nikki Haley is a very lucky woman. Trump has kept his powder dry mainly because he is trying to get rid of the senators. The Trump campaign or PAC has spent millions on DeSantis. However, Nikki Haley has outspent them all. Her billionaire new friend, her Democrat Party and Unit Party buddies, her open border friends, and big government agencies have poured tens and tens millions into Nikki’s campaign. She has spent twice as much in Iowa than Trump has against DeSantis. DeSantis, of course does not have the money to defend himself. Haley is doing it this way. She lies through her teeth to conservatives. She lies to MAGA through her teeth. She gets away with it everywhere. You would have seen my post that I wrote this morning, which I thought was very intelligently put together, and in which I listed one lie after another. I didn’t pay anything for them. I did it. You’ll be able to see her deceit. When we return, I’d like to discuss this.

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Segment 3

Chris Christie is an earnest, blithering idiot. He is becoming increasingly deranged. You can tell he is losing his mind. Even Sununu. Chris Sununu. The rhinoceros of rhinos is urging Democrats and Independents to vote for the Republican Primary in New Hampshire in order to support his new girlfriend Nikki Haley. Because there’s such a great juggernaut, you know, out there in terms of a George Bush address. Chris Sununu doesn’t seem to be able to look good when he addresses you, Mr. Bruce. Nikki Haley is another example. There is, however, a difference between George Bush, and Nikki Haley. George Bush. It didn’t take 10 sighs to address the same issue. Nikki Haley was the flip-flopper, and a young nine-year old kid did it. At the mouth of babies, they say, confronting her and telling her that she is a flip-flopper like John Kerry. She is. If you read the post about social media sites, you’ll see that I am on every one of them, except Facebook, because I hate Mother Zuckerberg. I hate him and don’t want anything to do with him. You can check out the other websites and see what she said in comparison to what she did. She is a liar. Charles Koch is a great example. He has taken over his organization, which used to be a solidly conservative organization. Nikki Haley has thrown him out. He is also partnered up with George Soros, and partners in the Quincy Institute. This institute could also be an enemy’s institute. George McGovern would have been a good choice to run this institute. Charles Koch has always supported open borders. He was a libertarian radical, but now that he is so angry at Trump he has thrown his support behind Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley is a very weak person when it comes to immigration. Her entire career in public life. Extremely weak. She has been very weak in her criticism of communist China. Slobbering on G. Standing in front of the communist Chinese flag, slobbering about the deal that she made to give them American South Carolinian Land. She slobbered on Disney. California is the headquarters. Who is ripping off the people of Florida? She said we’ll bring them to South Carolina. Why not? Big problem. She said that she would not run against Trump while she is running against him. What happened? What happened? Are we really going to vote for someone like this? Seriously. So she turns to the media, and to the billionaires. That’s where the rhinos are, that’s where the Democrats are. And Democrat billionaires, like this idiot Jamie Dimon who calls himself Jamie at 68. Anyway, Jamie Dimon. A Democrat billionaire. Another billionaire told a Democrat that Democrats needed to support her in order to nominate her. The Bush family. Rove, Paul Ryan, and others of their kind. All behind. Nikki Haley. Peggy Noonan Christie is out of reach. Haley is what she wants. They are old. These are old times. Republican establishment, ruling class operatives. Who do not want to defeat American Marxists. They wouldn’t talk the way they do if they didn’t. They’re all doing incredibly well. All of them. Chris Christie. Chris Christie said something on that yesterday. Chris Christie is a thief. What is this guy going do? What else could he do? What else is he planning to do? He’s an old, failed politician. He was never re-elected in New Jersey. New Jersey can’t stand the man. What will he do? He will go anywhere. CNN, MSNBC The View, Airport radar, Sonograms – he’ll go anywhere. Kevin fights Hugh Hewitt. My my rhino friend. Hugh Hewitt. There is no doubt about it, a rhino. But. But. How do you support Gerald Ford against Ronald Reagan, I mean? You’re a rhino. Here’s someone who is a good person. Chris Christie has been on his show many times. Chris Christie was furious with him today. Apparently, you asked him if he’d vote for Biden of Trump. Christie was upset because it revealed Christie. Let me tell you that this is not a pretty image. Christie said that he wouldn’t vote for either. I’m okay. I will vote neither. I’m. You’re going to sit or stand by the sidelines? He became angry because these matters have consequences. He said that if Donald Trump is convicted, then he won’t pardon Donald Trump. He should be sent to prison. Chris Christie is a rational person. Do you not think that he wants Donald Trump convicted and jailed? The Ku Klux Klan Act, the Enron Act, the Federal Contractor Act. Oh, that Espionage Act, which was put into place by Woodrow Wilson, a racist who used it against his political rivals. Chris Christie is rooting for this. Yes. Get him. It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Chris Christie is a Bush family member. Chris Christie recommended Christopher Wray as FBI director. He’s a complete clown. He is a fake. He’s on The View. Where else will he be? Will not come on my program. Willie. How many times can you ask Mr. Peters? Chrissy, you are out there. You can’t hide. You can trust me. Penny Wong. Come on. We tried. Nikki Haley. She won’t. Come on but I will go on The View. She’ll be on CNN. Oh, yeah. He was on The View at nine yesterday. Go. Do you know how far people will go to ensure that his feet never touch the ground? I don’t. I don’t. I mean, Whoopi Goldberg is not someone I look up to for intelligent or literate comments. She’s still there. There’s another. Remember the Holocaust? The Nazis failed to reduce. She has done it twice. She does not lose her job. No, no, no, no, no. It’s perfect. They call Trump Hitler. She hasn’t, but other people have. It’s funny. It’s funny. Media that defends the indefensible by Claudine Gay. Her immorality. Personal conduct and an immoral approach in protecting Jews on campus and the same people who defend Nazi terrorists from the Middle East. They are the same people. Trump is called Hitler for defending a woman on campus who would not defend Jews. Yeah. Trump Hitler The goblets are uttering their words. Goebbels, you’re right. Barry Goldwater was called Hitler by some people. Ronald Reagan was called Hitler. George W Bush is called the great George W by many, but they referred to him as Hitler. The Democrat Party does not call the leader of Iran Hitler. Call the leader of Hamas Hitler. They do not call the leader of Hezbollah Hitler. They call Netanyahu the Hitler. Trump is Trump’s Hitler. According to Democrats, Netanyahu is Hitler. Let’s not stop there. Christopher Christie, Cut nine. Go. Let him go unpunished for being an insurrectionist. Let’s stop now, before I address this crap for the 4,000,000,000th. Liberals, you know are bad listeners. They’re actually ignoramuses. To be a marxist or leftist, you have to be an idiot. Stupid. Denier of the facts. An insurrectionist. Answer attached. Let me explain, because everyone is an expert in the 14th Amendment Section Three. The 14th Amendment Section 3 applied to Confederacy and Confederates. That’s it. That’s it. It was only six weeks ago that the Democrats decided to change the Constitution. The Constitution, as we all know, was written by white supremacists. It should, of course be ignored in all other situations. The 14th Amendment Section 3 was adopted only after the Civil War. I said that it was adopted after Civil War. Why? They wanted to stop Confederates from being in government. They wanted to stop people from. They wanted to prevent people who. The Confederacy was prohibited from participating in any government functions if it received funds. The 14th Amendment Section three also died along with the last Confederate. There’s no connection to today. In Section 3, they don’t define insurrectionists. America, isn’t this odd? Why? The amendment is clear. In that case, an insurrection would be a Confederate. Confederate. That’s it. It’s just that. The list includes all officials. They list all the positions that the amendment covers, but they leave out the presidency. So the Democrats reject a constitution they hate. Of course, they have to rewrite the constitution in order to suit their agenda. The word officer is president. They mentioned Senators and Congressmen. Judges. State Senators. State Senators. State judges and even electors of presidents are not mentioned. They just meant to include the president as an officer. They didn’t. All the officers of our government: senators, representatives, and so on. They swear an oath. The oath, however, is not part of the Constitution. The President has his own special oath. He is the third branch. He is the executive. Period. Section three is not being constructed. None. This is what the Democrats are after. They lie. They use a document that they dislike. They try to influence the courts they pack and the American public they hate that their interpretations of the 14th Amendment Section Three is the only possible interpretation. Insurrections were not a criminal code or statutory language. If you had a connection with the Confederacy you were out. By the way, this determination would be made. Who would make that determination? Would it be produced by the state as a producer? Congress will now be making it. The federal government. The federal constitution. It’s not by Nimrod, a former ACLU hack from Maine. Imagine that! The Civil War has ended. These three amendments were passed without any support from Democrats. They passed these three amendments, which gave blacks the vote. Equal protection, due process freedom. Then they ask, “What do you think?” While we’re there, boys. Let’s return the power to the states in determining who can run as president. Why would they do this? Why would they flip federalism on its head and say: You know what, states, especially you southern states of the Confederacy we just defeated. You decide who is eligible to run for the presidency. Several of these states were still under federal military control. All of this is not true. Okay. We’re going through the heartbreak. Chris Christie is the honorary member of our group. You know, dear members of F you’re fat is united. So f you, Chris. We’ll be back shortly.

Segment 4

We’ll now return to Christie. You have to hear him. This guy is off his rocker and you need to hear him. He’s unhinged. He’s obsessed. I think he should see a shrink. There are two types of shrinks in fact, Mr. Producer. But you might want to take a trip to Florida. Lying on the beach. You did it that day with your family in New Jersey. Lying there, lie like a sperm-whale that was captured on camera by an helicopter crew. He’s going pay. Right? What is that? Oh, it’s Christie. Oh, it’s Christie. I’ll be back in a moment.

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