A burst water line at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital disrupted the services of about 200 patients who were trying to conceive through in vitro fertilisation. Some were devastated.

Alexis Goulette runs a Facebook group for women who are undergoing IVF. She said that many of these women were informed by voicemail of their cancellations, but they weren’t offered any emotional support, or given an explanation of alternative timelines, or reimbursement of costs.

Goulette also highlighted the intense preparation required for embryo transfers.


She said. It can be as frequent as every day of a month.

On Jan. 20, 2015 in Boston, pedestrians pass the Shapiro Building of Brigham and Women’s Hospital. A burst main has caused flooding at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, affecting services for 200 patients who are trying to conceive through in vitro fertilisation. (AP Photo/Steven senne, File).

Goulette said that some women are now facing extra expenses, such as cancelled flights or higher insurance deductibles in the New Year.

Jessica Pastore, hospital spokesperson, confirmed that a pipe ruptured on Christmas Eve at 1 a.m. during construction on the 8th floor of Brigham and Women’s. She said that a significant amount of water, affecting several areas of the hospital including the IVF lab, was released.

Pastore stated that all embryos and eggs are safe in cryogenic tanks inside the lab. However, lab staff cannot open the tanks before the mold risk inside the damp walls has been mitigated. This process is likely to take about a month.


Pastore confirmed that the hospital has contacted all affected patients. She said that some procedures, such as egg retrievals or fresh embryo transfers were still being performed at another location.

A woman from New Hampshire told us that she began the IVF procedure about 16 months before and was finally ready for the embryo transfer when she received the cancellation call Christmas Day.

The woman explained: “All of the tests, all of the procedures, and everything you put your body though, all come down to one single day when you transfer that embryo in order to have that baby. To live out the dreams that you’ve had from day 1, it comes down to that.” “So, getting that call was absolutely devastating.” “There’s no other word for it.”

The woman and her husband said they wanted to remain anonymous as they kept their IVF journey private till they became pregnant.

She said that although her fertility clinic was very communicative she couldn’t contact anyone at the hospital for answers. She claimed that at one point, she was unable to leave voicemails.

There has not been a release of a timeline. Brigham has not spoken to her,” said the woman. We’re in the dark, and we have to figure this out without any answers.


Another woman who wanted to remain anonymous for fear that her IVF treatment could be negatively affected by her name, expressed similar concerns regarding the hospital’s lack communication. She also said they should provide more emotional support.

Pastore stated that the hospital will provide resources to affected patients including mental healthcare and would reduce financial or insurance costs related to the flooding.

Brigham, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, experienced a flood in 2014. This also affected the IVF lab.

Pastore stated that the hospital will install water shutoffs at multiple floors to prevent this issue from occurring again.

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