The latest release of Jeffrey Epstein documents on Monday revealed photos which appear to show young girls on his island in 2006. His longtime partner and madam who denied being there during that time period also denies being present.

The documents had been sealed or redacted in a 2015 lawsuit filed by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxiwell, his longtime girlfriend who was also his madam and is now a convicted sexual trafficker.

The photos were included in a file about Epstein accuser Sarah Ransome. She was not present at the trial but described the inner workings and the “massage networks” of Epstein. She also testified that Maxwell’s victims called her “Mamma Bear.” Giuffre’s attorneys said that the photos “unambiguously” established Maxwell’s existence on Epstein island at a time when she had testified under oath that she was “hardly there.”

Fox News Digital will update this article as soon as it has finished reviewing the new documents.

Allegations that sex traffickers abused nightclubs for girls underage

A photo from 2006 shows young females at Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

Giuffre’s attorneys wrote: “Ms. Ransome’s testimony proves what little Defendant said during her deposition is far from the truth.”

Maxwell’s supporters claimed that her accusers lied about the allegations they made against her, in hopes of winning a lottery ticket through the lawsuit.

Dershowitz’s attorneys requested that the court disclose emails from Rasome that, they claimed, show that she is “not credible.” She made unsubstantiated statements about the former president Bill Clinton and billionaire Richard Branson.

Dershowitz’s attorneys wrote: “The Emails provide a necessary counterbalance to Ms. Ransome’s deposition statements because they show her manifestly lacking credibility.” The emails also made sexual allegations against former President Donald Trump and described Hillary Clinton in the email as “that evil —-“”.

No one has been charged with any wrongdoing relating to Epsteins crimes.


A photo of defendant Ghislaine Maxiwell and Jean-Luc Brunel taken in 2006 on Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St. James Island. Brunel died in prison while awaiting a trial for sex trafficking charges, just like Epstein.

Maxwell and Giuffre settled the case in 2017. Maxwell and Giuffre reached a settlement in 2017.

According to Ransome the term “massage”, within Epstein’s circle, was a codeword for sex and many of the girls he hired as masseuses were victims of human trafficking.

According to the transcript of her deposition, she stated that “that’s like a word for sex.” “So, as soon as Jeffrey’s friends and girls stop having sex, you are out. Otherwise, there is no reason to associate with Jeffrey because you only go there to have sex …”

She said that she saw Epstein have sex in plain sight with model-turned pilot Nadia Marcinkova, on his plane.

Court documents released a photo of evidence in relation to Virginia Giuffre’s 2015 lawsuit filed against Ghislaine Maxiwell by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre.

Ransome, in 2022, told the New York Post that Epstein was a “dungeon of sex hell” and claimed Maxwell bullied girls who didn’t comply with Epstein sexual demands. He also claimed the traffickers had broken their promise to pay her college tuition at the Fashion Institute of Technology of New York City.

U.S. district judge Loretta Preska ordered documents to be unsealed in December, but allowed each John and Jane Do two weeks to appeal. Giuffre’s lawyers posted the first 191 files unsealed last week, out of 240 estimated. Another 17 were posted late Monday morning.

Giuffre’s lawyers began Wednesday by unsealing documents in batches. Each batch consisted of dozens.

In a photo released by U.S. Department of Justice, Sarah Kellen and Jeffrey Epstein are pictured next to an airplane. This is one of the many photos that were unearthed in Ghislaine Maxiwell’s trial for sex-trafficking in the Southern District of New York. She was found guilty of working with Epstein in order to sexually abuse children and was sentenced to twenty years in prison by 2022.

Epstein was connected to many prominent people, such as former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and foreign prime ministers. He also had connections with Hollywood stars, academics of note, and those in the fashion and modeling industries. Some of these names had been known to the public before the lawsuit, but were not revealed.


img alt=”Nadia Marcinkova at an airplane cockpit.” height=”675″ src=”″ width=”1200″/>

Nadia Marcinkova is a former alleged accomplice to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. She reinvented herself under the name Nadia Marcinko, and has become a pilot. Sarah Ransome, Epstein’s accuser, said in a deposition she and Epstein engaged in sexual activity on his private jet. (Tim Stewart news)

Many names are those of people who have never been accused of any wrongdoing. This includes Clinton and Trump.

For various reasons, some names will be sealed. These include names of Epstein’s victims who were underage and one person whom the judge said was falsely identified. The judge will also decide whether or not to reveal the identities of the two Does who requested anonymity in the lawsuit.


In this undated photo, Ghislaine and Jeffrey Epstein are smiling. This is one of the many photos that were unearthed in Maxwell’s trial for sex abuse in New York. She was found guilty of working with Epstein and sentenced to a 20-year prison term in 2022.

Maxwell, in a separate criminal matter, was sentenced to a total of 20 years behind bars.

She has refused to comment on this document dump and is appealing her conviction.

Epstein died in federal custody in 2019. The Justice Department accused the U.S. Bureau of Prisons of neglect for allowing Epstein to commit suicide in federal custody.

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Maxwell believes that he was murdered, according to Maxwell.

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