The White House reports that American and British forces attacked targets in Yemen held by Houthi yesterday. This was in response to ongoing rebel harassment against shipping in the Red Sea. The U.S. is interested in maintaining open shipping lanes, but this particular action feels familiar. We need to know the answers to some of these questions to avoid being fooled once again.

The first question is whether President Biden had the authority to order these strikes. The comparisons with the First Barbary War is facile. While Congress did not declare war, Jefferson requested legislative approval. Last year, repealed two Iraq-related authorizations to use military force. What’s up with Biden’s campaign talking points about doing things the right way?

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Second question: Is another Middle East war imminent, and if so, for what and where? The usual suspects are agitating for not only intervention in Yemen but also direct action against Iran.

I’m going to take a risk and say that ignoring the Constitution is bad. And that another war in Middle East doesn’t serve American interests. Will the Republican establishment remove their cheerleading uniforms to do its job.

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