Empire State Governor Kathy Hochul stopped by ABC’s The View on Wednesday to blame Donald Trump and the Republican party for the crisis at the southern border.

Hochul said, “We are a nation of immigrants. I’m sitting here because my grandparents were teenagers in Ireland leaving great poverty. My grandpa started as a migrant farm worker himself in South Dakota in the wheat feels.”

She continued, “Fast forward to today, which is your question, we are doing the best we can to manage the influx, get people housing, it is very expensive and the state of New York is in for about $4.3 billion. I would like federal money. And guess what the federal money is and why it’s being held up?”

Hochul added, “The Republicans in Congress and in the Senate, said no, because Donald Trump called him up one night, the night before they should have voted on this to send 2,000 more agents, border patrol people to the border. I need some on the northern border, by the way we border Canada, money for states like New York, that would have helped us a lot, and just have a different path of citizenship and look at the asylum and whether it’s too loose right now the way it’s being used and probably abused. So I blame the Republicans now, the mess was bipartisan before that. Democrats and Republicans have not successfully found a way to have a path to legal citizenship because the employers want this.”

Watch the clip below:

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