During a sitdown with MediaBuzz over the weekend, former President and 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump reacted to reports that he’s seeking a compromise on the issue of abortion heading into the 2024 contest with Joe Biden; Democrats are looking to make abortion rights a central issue of the campaign.

Reports claim Trump has discussed having a ban on abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy with three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother.

“Pretty soon, I’m going to be making a decision. And I would like to see if we could do that at all. I would like to see if we could make both sides happy,” Trump said on “MediaBuzz” on Sunday.

“If the Republicans spoke about it correctly, it never hurt me from the standpoint of elections. It hurt a lot of Republicans,” Trump told host Howard Kurtz. “But I tell people, No. 1, you have to go with your heart. You have to go with your heart. But beyond that, you also have to get elected, and if you don’t have the three exceptions, I think it’s very, very hard to get elected.”

From Fox News:

Trump was vocally pro-life throughout his presidency, but he drew backlash after telling NBC News’ Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press” in September that Gov. Ron DeSantis’ six-week ban on abortion was “a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.”

While he has not officially announced his recommendation for abortion, his stance on the issue illustrates the changing attitudes and strategies among Republicans.

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Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortion access has again become a foremost issue for the Democratic Party, with President Biden and Vice President Harris focusing a large portion of their 2024 platform on abortion.

Harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion facility after touring a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic on Thursday. She said her trip to the clinic was meant in part to draw attention to women who travel from other states to Minnesota to obtain an abortion.

More over at Fox News:

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