Balenciaga & The Pedobear

What do you think is happening here?


Here is a closer look at the document.

This cannot be mistaken. This cannot be a mistake. Ashcroft against Free Speech Coalition.

This campaign also features a sick Balenciaga image featuring a different little girl and teddy bears wearing fetish gear. The New York Post includes a photo of it in its story. Also, “Pedobear”, a 4chan meme mocking pedophiles, is well-known. “Pedobear”, (see below), is a substitute for pedophiles.


It almost feels like Eyes Wide Shut are real people. This is demon stuff. This is a crime that should be paid for by someone at this fashion brand. They’re calling in forces they don’t understand. Do Not Believe These Lies:

Transgressive sexuality was not a new innovation in the sexual revolution. Late imperial Russia, like the West, was also full of what James Billington, a historian, called “a preoccupation about sex that is quite unlike any other in Russian culture.” Sexual adventurism, celebrations and all forms of sensuality were common among the intellectual and social elite. Not just the elites, but also the working masses. Without a church to guilten them or shame them, they found solace in sex alone in the city.

After the 1905 rebellion, official censorship was lifted and the floodgates opened to erotic literature. This new form of romance found renewed life in the form of sexual passion. Billington writes that “the sensualism of this age was in an intimate sense demonic.” He explains how Satan became a Romantic hero to musicians and artists. They were impressed by the diabolic will to do whatever it took to satisfy one’s needs and exercise one’s will.

We all know that polyamory is the next barrier to falling. With polyamory, we are almost there. Our elites are pushing the limits on pedophilia. I don’t know which is more frightening: the possibility that there will be no backlash and that we are so demoralized that they accept everything, or that there might be none.

The truth is that if Balenciaga’s ad director had not overegged the cake by including the Ashcroft ruling, tipping off us to the fact they know what their doing here, most people would have just ignored this as yet another predictable example of how corrupt elites are enjoying the pleasure of seeing how far they can take our culture.

It is a mystery to me why Republicans aren’t taking the initiative against such things. Ever. Even if it’s only from the bully pulpit. It’s almost as if they don’t care about whether the culture goes to hell or not, so long as they get tax cuts. Perhaps President DeSantis, with a GOP Congressional majority will force figures like the head at Balenciaga USA to visit Capitol Hill to explain to Senators what the reasoning behind ad campaigns such as this. These dirtbags are shameful!

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