On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, since the beginning of this Republic, no charge has ever been brought against an ex-president let alone a sitting president.

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has yet to say a word about the antisemitic protests on college campuses, which is no surprise since he is funding the terrorists killing Jews and preventing Israel from defeating them.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, now the definition of a warmonger is providing our allies with weapons?

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, now the definition of a warmonger is providing our allies with weapons?

And it looks as if Biden might let him.
The post Netanyahu Is Trying to Drag the U.S. Into War With Iran  appeared first on The American Conservative.

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another.

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Chuck Schumer is another liberal Marxist self-hating Jew like Sen Bernie Sanders and cares about nothing but power because that is all fascists and Marxists care about.

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Communist China has a massive propaganda operation that reaches into our homes and our culture.

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Communist China has a massive propaganda operation that reaches into our homes and our culture.

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, special counsel Robert Hur’s report concludes that President Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as a senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges were brought because he’s an imbecile.

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, special counsel Robert Hur’s report concludes that President Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as a senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges were brought because he’s an imbecile.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Hamas is a monstrous terrorist group funded by Iran and Qatar, among others, and is murdering hostages.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Hamas is a monstrous terrorist group funded by Iran and Qatar, among others, and is murdering hostages.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrat media outlets like NBC News continue to lie about CPAC, equating it to a Nazi gathering or a white supremacy rally despite CPAC being a safe place for Jews.

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, NY Judge Engoron and AG Letitia James are violating Donald Trump’s 8th amendment – “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is not just a Marxist Obama ideologue, but is a traitor to the United States and may be the Alger Hiss of the modern era.

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the border patrol officially reported the highest number of recorded encounters in December and the most arrests of people on the FBI terror watch list.