If this is what American “timidity” looks like, could we survive American courage?
The post Ukraine Propagandists Demand U.S. Abandon Caution, Go All in on War appeared first on The American Conservative.

State of the Union: Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell should be replaced as soon as possible.
The post What Damage Can McConnell Do Until Stepping Down? appeared first on The American Conservative.

State of the Union: Western nations claim they will not send troops to Ukraine, but several already have troops there.
The post How Many U.S. Soldiers Are Already in Ukraine? appeared first on The American Conservative.

The war’s developments at this point are predictable, and favor the Russian cause.
The post What Really Happened in Avdiivka? appeared first on The American Conservative.

Disingenuous accounting does not change the fact that the U.S. is the main underwriter of this war.
The post Yes, America Is the Biggest Military Donor to Ukraine appeared first on The American Conservative.

A new round of economic punishments, this time for the death of Alexei Navalny, is unlikely to be more successful than previous efforts.
The post Don’t Expect New Sanctions on Russia to Do Anything appeared first on The American Conservative.

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and his regime have said to Congress and the American public through the Democrat media that the border has been secure for over 3 years.

Regardless of what happened to the dissident, the case for ending the war remains the same.
The post Don’t Let Navalny Derail the Effort for Peace appeared first on The American Conservative.

State of the Union: A flailing and miffed Nikki Haley attempted to justify her continued participation in the presidential race on Tuesday.
The post Nikki Haley’s Desperate Search for Relevance appeared first on The American Conservative.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Russia is on the offensive again in Ukraine because Ukraine is running out of ammunition.

State of the Union: Why is no one talking about the Ukrainian attrition rate?
The post Senator Vance Mentions the Unmentionable at Munich appeared first on The American Conservative.

The Biden administration’s Ukraine PR campaign echoes messaging on the Vietnam War beat for beat.
The post The Ukraine War Runs on Lies appeared first on The American Conservative.

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, a Democrat judge and jury have found Donald Trump guilty in a NY civil fraud case and has been ordered to pay $355 million in damages.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia can’t stay out of the news.
The post The Distressing Death of Alexei Navalny appeared first on The American Conservative.

While speaking about the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Friday, President Biden used the opportunity to take a shot at Trump.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis testified in court and made it clear that she is a nutjob without the temperament or intelligence to uphold justice.

Rep. Mike Gallagher was one of the GOP’s rising stars. Now, he’s not seeking reelection after voting against impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas.
The post MAGA vs. Mike Gallagher: The Inside Story appeared first on The American Conservative.