Experts say Mindy Kaling isn’t obliged to anyone to be a Body Positive icon.

Mindy Kaling is no stranger to internet vitriol.

Mindy Kaling is not a stranger to online vitriol. Her name has been trending on Twitter and TikTok several times in the past year. However, there is one thing that unites them: She’s not what we need.

The comments started to flood back after she appeared at the Oscars in a black corset dress that highlighted her thin body.

Some praised Kaling, a comedian, actor and writer at 43, for her new look. Others criticized her for challenging the industry’s norms. Some say Kaling is not the body-positive icon they once portrayed her as, but she’s closer to Hollywood standards.

This is a criticism that experts in body image and media find problematic because Kaling did not ask for it.

Critics argue that there is no one person who can be held up as the symbol of body positivity and representation. And no one person can take responsibility for a deep-rooted issue such as fatphobia in the entertainment sector. They don’t owe anyone perfection, even if it is defined in that moment.

Harleen Singh, associate professor of South Asian literatures and women’s studies at Brandeis University, said: “How is that a question about body positivity? If we are shaming somebody who chooses in its own way to feel positive about their bodies?” “I am befuddled.”

Singh stated that while audiences want Kaling and other people of color to succeed in the mainstream, once they do, they are often held to twice as high standards and condemned by their white peers.

She said, “It’s an open-ended sword.” We want South Asian women to be role models, and we want them to be women of color. However, once you achieve that status in public life, it is easy to fall prey to an irrational expectation. This is especially true for women of color.

People kept talking about Kaling and her weight loss for days after she appeared at the Oscars. People speculated that Kaling is on Ozempic which is a viral diabetes medication. It’s widely believed that this drug is the most popular for celebrities who want to lose weight.

It is a dangerous rumor, Lauren Smolar, vice-president of mission and education at National Eating Disorders Association. Expectations placed on one person will often result in disappointment.

Smolar stated that there are many reasons people’s sizes may fluctuate over time. It can be really difficult if they are required to keep a weight that is either in line with society’s accepted standard of size.

Young people can be affected by the way you praise a celebrity for losing weight. However, it can also have devastating consequences if you attack someone’s weight loss. Smolar pointed out that there are better ways to have these conversations on social media than using the internet. She encouraged those who feel overwhelmed by pressure to find safe spaces and professional guidance.

She stated that comments in both directions are harmful. It can be difficult to raise Mindy, for those who previously considered Mindy not to be the norm in Hollywood in terms of how big they are, as it can be very tricky to set them up as an example.

Kaling spoke out about her weight fluctuations in the past and said that they were due to a change in her lifestyle after having her children.

She stated that she didn’t do anything different last year. “I eat what is best for me. I don’t like any type of restricted diet. I just eat less of it… It’s not as dynamic or exciting as I would like, but it’s how I have lost weight.

Singh stated that it was difficult to balance the beauty expectations of Hollywood with the representation expectations of the public. She also said that picking Kaling apart is a dangerous trend. She wishes people would be more focused on Kaling’s impact and work, rather than trying to bring her down.

She said, “We’re talking here about a dominant culture which won’t allow us to be anything other than stereotypes.” “But we expect people to be only representative of others when we see them in public. What is the place for the individual?

Singh was shocked that Kaling’s weight wasn’t a main takeaway after there were so many memorable moments of South Asian excellence at the Oscars this year — including an amazing performance of “Naatu Naatu”, a Telugu song, and the triumph of “The Elephant Whisperers”, as best documentary short —

Singh stated that these conversations are not a new phenomenon. Rather, they’re a distraction from successful women of color and a way for them to take agency. Singh called them a disrespect stemming from internalized patriarchy.

She stated, “As women in color, there are enough enemies for us.” “Why do we focus on this?” Let her be.”

Call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline if you have an eating disorder or are looking for support. Text “NEDA” (741741) to get a 24-hour crisis phone number.

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