Families Of The Woke Military

Recently, I wrote to you about the loss in the Western church of transcendentals, particularly my parish. I want to write about another subject that I come across at work every day: The woke military. I work in a Catholic-affiliated facility that focuses primarily on the children of military families.

Let me start by talking about the children we work hard to help. While we primarily care for teenagers, we also see younger children. The number of girls in our care is 2 to 1. They are more affected by deeper and more complex issues than their male counterparts. It is not even close.

Most girls identify as queer, gender fluid, or gay. They don’t consider themselves to be straight or heterosexual, even if they are attracted to opposite sex. This is because of peer pressure and internet culture. Nearly half our girls identify themselves as transgender. They prefer pronouns and preferred name choices, with They the most common pronoun at the moment. If it weren’t so diabolical, the confusion that this causes would be comical. Hell has no hissy fit for one of these girls, who is called “dead named”, which is her legal name at birth. They are not boys.

Suicidality is the main reason why girls are involved with us. Close behind are depression, anger, anxiety and drug use.

The boys are more normal than the girls. Few people consider themselves gay. I think there is one. Only one person has ever been transgender during my time at the institution. He is a boy who wants to be a boy in every way (except for the preferred pronouns, name and nickname).

Boys often admit to anger, depression and suicidality as their main issues. The boys are prone to drug use and addiction to pornography.

Staff just follow the rules and keep the peace by using the pronouns and names. Others are staunch supporters of the trans cause. Some of us avoid using pronouns and names when we talk, write, or engage in speech. It is exhausting and strains the English language.

Many of us, both therapeutically and psychologically, see sexual confusion as it is. These kids are not happy being who they are. This is not unbridled self expression. It’s also hateful self-suppression. This is especially true for girls. Our culture glorifies femininity as beautiful and it is oppressive. In the last month, we’ve seen three suicide attempts that ended in hospitalization.

The closure of schools in the wake of the pandemic and other cultural disasters has wiped out a whole generation of school-aged kids. Some children go to DoD schools. Others to fancy private schools. Most of them end up in public schools. All of them are severely behind academically and socially. Diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), are on the rise. It’s astonishing, Mr. Dreher. Although there have been problems in schools due to standards slippage, we are in a precarious situation. Many of our children cannot form sentences, use proper grammar or spell basic words.

These children are capable and could achieve in any school, for the most part. They are struggling, which is something we all recognize. It doesn’t have to be like this, if you get to know them and their academic and social history over the past two years. It wasn’t going this way. They are suffering from every conceivable pain and we have failed them.

This brings me to the parents. Although it may sound a bit naive, I have witnessed it proved true many times: these children are the product of their families. They’ve had a frustrating time with their families over the past few years. Our society’s response to the virus is a negative one for marriages and the family as a whole. Most likely, half of all children are born to intact marriages. Divorced and splintered family are the next largest. Next comes the intact and dissected homosexual families, followed by adoptive and legal guardian family members. All military.

Most trans parents, especially dads, don’t like the idea of their child identifying as trans. Is it possible for a father to want his little girl to look like this? Our Lord, please have mercy. Some families are able to say no. Some families are led by aggressive, woke, white women, and passive, passive husbands. They shame staff for ‘dead-naming’ their daughters. (I was wrong. Hell hath no hissy fits like a triggered progressive mom.

It is affiliated with the diocese but not managed by it. This makes it similar to many other hospital systems that were originally founded as Catholic charities, but are now disassociated from episcopal authority or ignore it completely. This place will not make any changes to its current practice without a revival. It is too lucrative. This place is receiving huge amounts of money from the DoD.

Uneasy compromise is the stance that the facility currently takes. While we do not endorse gender dysphoria diagnoses, we sometimes use the names and pronouns to make peace with children who are struggling with substance abuse or suicidality. We, as an institution, rely on legal names for the sake of ‘paperwork. We were already told that we would be happy to accept a child changing her name. The principal is what’s legal. This is not solid ground, but it seems to be the best we have for now: please donors and secure federal funding.

If we took a principled position on traditional Catholic sexual ethics, would we get DoD money? If we stated that gender confusion cannot be ignored, would we get clients?

Military personnel, particularly men and especially officers, are under immense pressure. It’s no wonder that so many of them remain silent in our meetings. It’s no wonder that so many of them seem hopeless and crushed. They do whatever it takes to save their child from dying. It’s no wonder that they are so discouraged. A bad child can ruin a promising career as a soldier. It is possible to speak out against gender ideology.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with mission readiness. This is dangerous, and the government is encouraging it. The woke military uses its power to destroy the social order. This results in emasculated fathers and enraged, violent sons, anxious mothers and oppressed daughters.

My God.

What can we do to save our children? It seems that staying away from the woke army makes sense. Thoughts, readers? Is this what you see at work? Is it happening in your social circle, family? This is a general question or something that the military can do?

Lord, have mercy on these poor dads who are deployed and must worry about their kids back home being sucked into this trans cult — PROMOTED by the US MILITARY!

Email me at rod — at — amconmag — dot — com. Please include MILITARY in your subject line. I receive a lot of mail so it is unlikely that I will miss your letter.

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