Federal wildlife officials have decided not to place lake sturgeon on the endangered species list, allowing annual spearing seasons in some states to continue.

Federal wildlife officials have decided not to place lake sturgeon on the endangered species list, allowing annual spearing seasons in some states to continue.

The first baby North Atlantic right whale of the year has been found dead from a ship collision. Environmental groups demand protections for the whales, of which fewer than 360 remain.

The first baby North Atlantic right whale of the year has been found dead from a ship collision. Environmental groups demand protections for the whales, of which fewer than 360 remain.

Workers from Clearwater Marine Aquarium in FL have released 11 cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles back into the Atlantic Ocean after rehabilitation.

Environmental groups are suing the government to force the finalization of ship speed rules which they say are critical to saving the vanishing North Atlantic right whale.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering $50,000 for information related to the deaths of three endangered gray wolves in Oregon.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that they will assess whether a planned lithium mine will push the Kings River pyrg, found only in 13 high-desert springs, to extinction.

Conservation efforts have helped the population of sea otters begin to recover, and studies show that their returned presence to California marshland has slowed erosion there.

The Endangered Species Act has designated over 1,700 species in the U.S. as threatened or endangered, but there are discrepancies in the distribution of funds for their recovery.