David Schoen and Robert O’Brien join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Sunday, April 28, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.

Mark Levin: “This isn’t about Palestine. This is about terrorism on our college campuses.”

John Yoo and Douglas Murray join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Saturday, April 27, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.

“I am calling on Nancy Pelosi to resign.  American republicanism cannot long survive with a corrupt, fascist like her as the invisible hand behind the House Democrats calling the shots.  And her contemptible role in supporting and promoting the most vile, extreme bigots, antisemites, and anti-American revolutionaries in her party has done and is doing […]

Mark Levin: “I’m here to make the case that Joe Biden has been awful for America. Since the day he stepped into the US Senate and sided with the racists and segregationists and opposes integrating our public schools.”

Will Scharf on Life, Liberty and Levin. “What we’re seeing here is a show trial in the truest sense of the word. President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong here.”

Will Scharf on Life, Liberty and Levin. “What we’re seeing here is a show trial in the truest sense of the word. President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong here.”

Mark Levin: “I’ll tell you what’s going on in this country, this, the Democrat Party hates America. Yes, it does. If it loves America, it sure as hell has a funny way of showing it. And now they want us to vote for the same lame brain who’s in there doing all this to our […]

Richard Goldberg on Life, Liberty and Levin. “We need to return to a peace through strength mentality. It starts with the economic and political but also extends to our military deterrence as well.”

Mark Levin :”You want to know who’s funding these people? The Democrat Party and the terrorist regimes. What? You have a fusion of Marxists. You have a fusion with Islamists, a complicated matrix and network of Democrat Party billionaires and millionaires and dark money, including Soros, including the Tides Foundation, among others. And you have […]

Brett Tolman on Life, Liberty and Levin. “This is a concerted effort that is not based on the rule of law. It’s based in politics and it’s using power… to actually target a person that they are more afraid of then we are concerned about any criminal activity.”

“Our southern border is wide open by design — by design — and all the hell that comes with it. Our skies are open to nuclear attack by design. The very man who opposed the Strategic Defense Initiative from day one and tried to cripple it and sabotage it all during the Reagan years and […]

Amidst what Mark calls the “Second Muslim Crusade,” radical terrorists threaten American values and way of life relentlessly. Mark delves into the motivations behind these extremists, urging Americans to grasp the gravity of the situation and remain vigilant against their relentless onslaught.

Sen. Tom Cotton on Life, Liberty and Levin. “But I fear what is really happening here is… That they see the Arab American voters in Michigan. They see the progressives on college campuses protesting and rioting and they want to use that has a pretext to justify what they’ve always wanted to do… which is […]

Brett Tolman and Rich Goldberg join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Sunday, April 21, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.

Sen Tom Cotton and Will Scharf join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Saturday, April 20, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.

Amid the global surge in anti-Semitic incidents, survivors of the Nova music festival faced harassment at Manchester Airport. This alarming trend includes rising anti-Jewish rhetoric and the emergence of no-go zones for Jews both domestically and internationally.

In a blatant conflict of interest, the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s Stormy Daniels case has imposed a gag order on Trump  specifically shielding the judge’s daughter, who fundraises for Democrats. This move stifles Trump’s defense while allowing biased attacks against him. So much for justice is blind.