On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the border patrol officially reported the highest number of recorded encounters in December and the most arrests of people on the FBI terror watch list.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, five Justices of the Supreme Court, specifically Chief Justice John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, voted against securing the border and enforcing immigration, allowing President Biden to continue to obliterate our immigration system and our border.

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media’s plan to sway voters to vote for President Biden is to paint Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are a high amount of slaves in America today at the southern border thanks to human trafficking, but President Biden and the American media have no problem with modern-day slavery and are doing nothing about it.

Herman Melville understood both the horrors of slavery and the bonds between countrymen. Should he be canceled?
The post What’s So Bad About Reconciliation? appeared first on The American Conservative.