The women who opposed their own enfranchisement in the Victorian era have little in common with the “Repeal the 19th” fringe of today.
The post When Feminism Was ‘Sexist’—and Anti-Suffrage appeared first on The American Conservative.

What does it mean that many more young women than young men are leaving American churches?
The post The Gender Gap in Religion appeared first on The American Conservative.

Two professors argue based on documentary evidence that the Japanese did not forcibly conscript Korean women to be prostitutes. 
The post Canceled for Questioning the Story on ‘Comfort Women’ appeared first on The American Conservative.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Nikki Haley is the Washington D.C. candidate backed by the GOP establishment and people like Charles Koch, and she has used enormous sums of money to sway independents to vote in the Iowa caucuses and then switch their party affiliation back after the vote. Haley has completely sold out to the special interest groups and the D.C. swamp, and she is not a Conservative.

There’s a strong circumstantial case that welfare benefits increased single parenthood to some extent, but to what extent is difficult to nail down using scientifically rigorous methods.
The post American Dependence: The Rise of Single Parenthood appeared first on The American Conservative.