Her mother reported that a Texas teenager suffered burns on 90% of her body when a boy accidentally threw gasoline into a fire during a holiday gathering.

Madison Lewis, 17 years old, remains unresponsive at a Dallas Hospital, Fox Dallas has reported.

There’s nothing more I need and want than to see my daughter be okay and live a full life. Madison is 17 years old”, said Ericca, Madison’s mom, to th news outlet in her daughter’s Parkland Hospital room.


Madison Lewis, 17 years old, remains in hospital after suffering burns at a party with friends, according to her mother. (Family handout)

Hammond reported that Lewis and his friends were around a barrel of burning trash when a child threw a piece of paper inside.

She said, “I first thought it was a glass, but I now know that it was actually a pan of gasoline in the barrel. They say it just exploded, and it went straight to her.” It was devastating. “Completely burned her entire body.”

Lewis, a Jacksboro High Senior, has undergone at least four operations since.

Madison Lewis, 17 years old, has undergone at least four operations. (Family handout)

This is the first Christmas since becoming a mother that I haven’t wrapped a single gift. Hammond said, “Not one.”

Her mother told reporters that the teen was supposed to be graduating this year and going to college. The news report stated that doctors took her off pain medicine Tuesday to test her response.

Madison Lewis, 17 remains at Parkland Hospital. (KDFW)

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Hammond stated, “She is supposed to graduate and attend college in August. But she has so much to do here.” “That’s why. She’s a fighter. She is a warrior. “We need prayers for her recovery and her poor body.

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