Mark Levin said on Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show that just because the new year is here, it doesn’t mean the Biden administration will do anything differently in regards to the border, economy or Middle East. The insurrection is happening now, not on January 6. And the Democrat Media has to be held accountable for this great division in the country because they are not telling the truth. Iron triangle of the Democrat Party: leftist media and open borders; Marxist classrooms. The borders are vital for a country to maintain its sovereignty. Because we have an uncontrolled border, there are now people in the United States who support terrorism, want to destroy Jews, and hate America. The Democrats are waging a war on the middle class, the private sector and Americans know this is a bad thing. The Democrat media continue to portray Donald Trump as a terrorist, despite the fact that no one has been charged for an insurrection relating to January 6. Marxists are cheering the destruction of democracy and constitutional republicanism. This includes the efforts to remove Trump’s name from the ballot. The precedent would be disastrous if a single democratic official in a particular state could decide that a candidate of the opposing party is not allowed to run because they don’t like them.

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Ronald Reagan Ad: “It’s morning again in America”

Red State

Raskin’s Disturbing Defence of Removing Donald Trump from Ballot Includes Chilling Words about SCOTUS

ABC News

Former Trump White House Insiders Call Possible 2nd Term a Threat to American Democracy

Washington Examiner

California wins the gold medal as the state with most people leaving in 2023

Business Insider

The US government’s debt is increasing so quickly that it could soon spend more on interest than on defense

ABC News

California is the first state in the nation to provide health insurance for all undocumented migrants

Photo taken by Chip Somodevilla

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Hour 1

Segment 1

Mark Levin is here. Our number is 877-3813811. 877-381-3811. It’s so good to be home. I also want to thank the wonderful hosts who gave up their vacation time to help out. We spent the majority of our holiday in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, as well as at home. My wife underwent a major back operation. She is listening to me as I speak and she’s recuperating. We love her a lot. We’re all hoping for the very best. After major back surgery, it takes time to heal. It’s the new year. It’s a new year. The new year is going to bring about a lot of changes. The Biden administration will suddenly back down from its police state. So, suddenly, the border will be secured. So, suddenly we will properly fund the United States Military. So, suddenly, the Marxists and miscreants who support Marxists on the street will disappear. The half of the country that hates cops is going to embrace them. I could go on. This doesn’t happen. It’s not my intention to be a drooling wet blanket. New Year’s Eve. CNN’s coverage of the event is what I would describe as best. I don’t watch CNN. I despise it. It’s a fake news network. It’s a group of social misfits. Then there are two gentlemen who drink tequila. To welcome in the New Year. CNN is pretty much the same. That’s how it works. Do you think Hamas is bothered by the fact that it’s now a new year or not? Islamic Jihad. You would think that the gangs are in our cities. Slaughtering one another. They don’t give a damn about the new year. Really? They couldn’t care less. I am very worried about 2020. I am very worried about 2020. We have to know what we are up against to be able to fight it. And defeat. God has given us the right to choose. We pray to God. We pray to God? We learn in the Bible that God has given us free will. We pay for our decisions to do what is right or wrong. We are you and me. Bye. Bye. Blessings. Goodbye. We can’t control everything. We were born in America. What a wonderful country. It embraces individualism and freedom of choice. The government is supposed to be restricted in its diverse diversified. People want to be able to do something for themselves. It’s possible. If people do not, they end up on the street. This does not mean that we don’t try to help people who need it. We do not try to help those who are in need. We’re hurting our countries financially under the guise of redistribution. That’s not what I am saying. Republics don’t survive very long. The Roman Republic. The Roman Empire, even though it lasted for a thousand-years, only lasted less than 500. Athens. It’s less than that. The British Empire no longer exists. Britain has been invaded. Europe has been invaded by the Middle East. That’s right. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Here are the stats. I’m telling the truth, and we have to face what is happening. You’ve heard me tell you about the mystery of liberty. We are irritated by the fact that liberty allows evil people to destroy it. Even today, you hear people say, “These people have the right to protest.” Shutting down airports. Threatening people. People being scared. Talking about the annihilation. How many people are in prison for these crimes? None. I don’t want any. I want. I want. I laughed. Really? Really? The Capitol Police killed only one person. This is some serious insurrection. The Democrats rejected the offer made by the President of the United States to use the National Guard as a security force for the Capitol Building. This is some serious insurrection. On January 6, there was no insurrection. Right now, you are experiencing an insurrection. We don’t need to put a date on the calendar. It does not have to be a particular moment. We lament about it every year. It’s been a slow-burning insurrection within academia. Which awards. Tenure for Islamists Tenure to Marxists Tenured people who hate America and faculty at Poison ivy colleges, who then hire faculty who follow them. Hire this president. In a moment, I’ll call the president. Take a look at our media. These people are not serious. These people are not serious. They’re punks. They’re fools. They’re buffoons. They are not accountable, they do not have responsibility. Yet they are responsible and accountable for the divisions that exist in our country. If the truth is not told or if the truth is not even attempted. They take sides, but they choose the wrong side. There are people in our country who hate their country. Why do people drive around in cars that have the Palestinian flag on them? Referring to the Third Reich. Referring to Auschwitz. Who are these people voting for? Do they really vote for Donald Trump? They would vote for any Republican. Who are these people? Let me start at the beginning. Immigration and academia. The media. The iron triangle of evil. This is the iron triangle of evil. In America today. Media is the concept of free speech and freedom of press. It’s crucial for a republic to survive. No question about it. We don’t. We do not have free press or free speech. Depending on your ideology and your point of view, certain types of speech are permitted. There is no free press. One of the presses that actually tries and reports news in an objective manner as possible. We know that. I have written a whole book about it. A recent study found that 3.7% of journalists are Republicans. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not free press. This is a propaganda operation based on an ideology. It is what it really is. You see it every day. You hear it every day. You’re watching. Fox is the only exception to this. There are a few more. Immigration is not meant to weaken our country but to strengthen it. Immigrants are expected to respect the law, the rules, and the people of the country they wish to enter. To enter. The culture is to be embraced. The culture is to be adopted by them, not vice versa. In the streets, you’ve seen the exact opposite. You don’t find patriotic Americans. You don’t see them exercising their right to free speech, or their constitutional rights. No. You can see them on the street. What is the most recent generation? Second generation. On the streets. The most hateful, anti-American and anti-Semitic comments we have ever heard in our country. Marxists are often with them, though not always. Who are the Marxists, then? They can also be immigrants, but they are mostly homegrown. They’re punks. It’s not 65% of Americans who do not go to college. The 34 35% who have graduated from a 4-year college are the ones that I’m talking about. Quote unquote, education, a.k.a. indoctrination. Our colleges and universities produce brainwashed graduates. That’s how it should be. John Dewey wished for it to be that way 120 years ago. Marx taught them this. You can either destroy all social norms and destroy the status-quo or you can create something else. What do they create, then? It’s certainly not tyranny. These two forces. These two forces. They all vote Democrat. They may vote for a third party but not Republican. Republicans have their own problems, but not. This is not the same. Why do you believe the borders should be opened? Does it benefit the United States of America? Does it benefit the citizens, legal immigrants, and the legal immigration who are already here? Do you think it helps when almost 800,000 illegal aliens have crossed our border since 1st October, and millions of people are here without being vetted? We don’t know who they are. This is deliberate. This is not an accident. This isn’t Mother Nature. Climate change is not the cause. This is deliberate. Obama. The other Marxists. Biden’s government is Obama’s. The third term. It’s the third term. Biden hates the United States. What do you mean Mark? It’s funny. Funny way to show you support it. It’s Obama. The report says that the entire government is involved. Who is doing this? You have less say and control over the government as it grows. You have virtually no say and no control. Right. Academia. Since half a hundred years. Under the rubric “academic freedom”. Marxists, leftists, radicals. You can call them whatever you want. You’ve spent the time. Build an infrastructure in our academic system. This includes tenure, hiring, and ideological tests. It is impossible to remove a professor. Claiming it’s academic freedom and free expression. The other is the exact opposite. They own. They own. In this country, higher education is a priority. We don’t have any say. There are a few exceptions. Few colleges. There are thousands of colleges across the country. Why do you believe that their budgets have no limits? Why do you believe student loans will be waived? You have the American media. The American media. Is propaganda. It’s a whisper in the lane when someone says something. All of them say the same things. The Sunday shows are all the same. There is no difference. There’s no difference. It’s all the same. It doesn’t matter what you watch on TV or what paper you read. But I need to take a short break. I’ll be back.

Segment 2

In the last three-year period, 1,2 million visas for students have been issued. The majority of these. Most of these. Most of them are from communist China. Why do we do that? Why do we do that? There are so many things that we can do. Mark, how do we start? We have to first win an election. After the end of the hour I will give you Levin. A gender for winning an election. Not just your agenda, but also how you present it. Why don’t Mark and you run for President? This is something I hear all the time. You’ll understand why. I’ll tell you why. Because I know my limits. I’ll tell you, when we return, what I think the agenda is, how we will present it and how we can win this election. Even overturning what will be systemic fraud that is enshrined in these blue state. I’ll be back.

Segment 3

In America, it’s another morning. In the history of our country, today more men and woman will be working than ever before. Interest rates are about half of the 1980 record highs. Today, nearly 2000 families will purchase a new house. In the last four years, this is more than ever before. Today, 6500 men and women are getting married. With inflation less than half what it was four years ago, these young couples can look to the future with confidence. Under the leadership of Ronald Reagan, America is stronger and more proud. And better. Why would we want to go back to the same place we were just four years ago? This must send a shiver down your spine. Reagan won one of the largest electoral victories in American history. Electoral College win in 49 states. If he had gotten more than 1500 votes in Minnesota he could have defeated Mondale and won all 50 states. Just over 60% of the votes. That’s not possible today, because demographics have changed over the past 45 years. It’s impossible. It should be possible. To get 52.54 percent of the votes. Mark, I think you’ve just hit a nerve. Listen, Reagan beat the hell out Jimmy Carter in 1980. He also beat the hell of Mondale. You can do this with both the left and right hand. You do not portray America the way it should and is, in most cases, through the media spectrum, nor to the spectrums of Islamists, Marxists, isolationists, or whatever name you choose to give them, the regular American. Americans yearn for this. Americans are yearning for this. I see four main issues. There are many issues but I only see four main issues. The first issue to be discussed at the dinner table. In 1980, when Reagan ran for President, inflation was much higher than it is now. People can’t afford to buy homes. Automobile loans were not available. Fuel prices were sky-high. The people were unhappy. The working men and women are not interested in PhDs or other academic degrees. The people who work the country are the heart and soul. Not those who write about the country in white papers. Reagan won the blue collar. America. He won middle class America. He was not elitist. He was no Washington insider. He hated the ruling class. He was despised by them. Even though they work for George Bush today, some of the people who you see on TV that worked against Reagan in the Republican primary are the same people. What about Reagan? Chris Christie has never worked for Reagan. He was a Bushie. Bush spoke at the Sununu’s. Just a little reminder. The economy is the number one. It’s number one in every poll, and it always will be. We must attack. The policies of the left-wing Democrat Party. This is killing the golden gander. You can’t get the golden goose to lay golden eggs if you are wringing its neck. So simple. Now I have explained capitalism in a single sentence. All the Democrats’ actions are a war on the private sector. It’s war on the middle class. You need health care. You must get it from us. You have to keep getting it from us. Americans are familiar enough with the problems of big government. Link it to table issues. Kitchen table issues and the cost of food. Fuel prices are still too high for those who heat their homes. Government intervention creates inconveniences. You can see that I have spent a lot of time in my life. Articles on scholarly books. This is not the way to win elections. Take the information and use it to your advantage. You have to put it in plain English. People who suffer from the government, from Democrat Party policy, from American Marxism. They know you reject this and that you stand with the people. Ronald Reagan’s first act as president of the United States was to do this. What did he do? He immediately lifted the regulations on oil and gas production. Second, immigration. Open borders are not possible or haven’t been successful in any country. Not one. Not one. National sovereignty is important. Nations have borders for this reason. They have a military because they want to protect the country, their borders and their sovereignty. Our sovereignty has been threatened from within. We have gone to war in order to protect it. Open borders are not humane. It is not humane for the citizens of the United States. It is not humane towards legal immigrants. It is not humane towards the immigrants being raped and brutalized. Abused. It’s not humane. It’s a part of the Marxist ideology. It’s a white versus everyone else model. As I explained first in American Marxism, the oppressed is versus oppressor. Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a Harvard Democrat for many years. His father and who was an adviser and extraordinarily close to John Kennedy, later to Lyndon Johnson. Also, he was an advisor to Democratic presidents. An intellectual. The author of the book This Uniting America. Back in the day, say 30, 40 years back. He rejected the idea. Of open immigration. I have played what Governor LAMB said for you. About 20 years ago. Democrat, Colorado. You want to destroy America? Do exactly what Biden is doing now. You’re destroying America. You can see what is happening in the street. You can see what is happening in the street. People waving Palestinian banners. CNN, media matters, media and MSNBC want you to believe otherwise. They are peaceful Palestinian believers. They’re not saying that. They are supporting terrorism. They support terrorism. They hate America. You can see many of the people involved in 2020 riots in today’s street protests. This fusion between Marxists, Islamists is something I strongly believe in. It is there for all to see, just go online. Remote care will tell you to read online. What students from Palestine are saying. You can read them online. They say they don’t conceal it. Media hide it. So immigration. As a Kennedy, that’s a simple discussion. The American people will not be misled any longer. By the word “xenophobia”. Oh, the. You must be xenophobic. No one wants to hear it anymore, because you believe that Americans are sovereign and will assimilate into your culture. You also have a manageable immigration policy. Academia. It is important to act quickly and do what you can. Dealing with the poison, brainwashing and indoctrination. Our classrooms are full of Marxists and Islamists. You can use the power of your purse. You can use the power of the bully-pulpit. You can use aggressive enforcement mechanisms to the Department of Justice. It should be referred to as real academic freedom, and true free speech. We have thugs now. Hoodlums. Malcontents. Revolutionaries. Our colleges and universities are run by revolutionaries. National security. You know, you were there last night. We watched the movie together as four members of our family. You probably saw it too at some point in the last few decades. It was, of course, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We were caught off guard. We were lucky that two of our carriers were not present in Hawaiian Harbor, despite the terrible destruction. The Japanese could also have attacked San Francisco or the West Coast and it would have proved very difficult to stop. Not only from within, as I have just described, but also from outside, we are faced with horrendous evil. Here’s what some of our isolationists friends have done. They’ve joined forces with Bernie Sanders and others. AOC. The claim that America came first paints us as colonialists and imperialists. They are incredibly myopic, despite the events in the world. You are aggressive. Expanding. Communist China The level of military readiness is the number one priority. You’ve got a desperate Russia. It’s not because of us. Not because of us. You can choose from any of the rising Islamists. Islamist state in Iran Syria. These terrorist movements are supported by other parts of the Middle East. We are actually funding them. It’s an administration who is funding it. When the Republicans will wake up to this impeachment issue, I do not know. I don’t how many times they will have to tell them what to do. They’re obviously smarter than me. Our military needs to be strengthened. If you love your country. If you love your country. You fear. You fear both Islamists and communism. You must prepare your country. To prepare for war, not to start a war. To prevent a war. It seems we’ve reached the point where we cannot help both the Israelis and Ukrainians with weapons at the same moment. Now, ladies, gentlemen, it’s a shame to admit that I am dated, but when Reagan was president, he had inherited the same situation as Jimmy Carter and directed his brilliant secretary of defense. Caspar Weinberger was able to build up the military and shut down the government several times due to the same Democrat and media mindset. Reagan’s was. Yes. It was his top priority. He did it without firing a single bullet in Moscow. That’s what matters. You must be stronger than your opponents. You need to be stronger than your enemies not just in case of war but also in order for you to prevent one. Provocation is the antithesis of military strength. It’s deterrence. We have a major problem in this area in our country. The Democrats do not support our military. They are destroying. With all this woke crap, they’re destroying our training mechanisms, personnel and morale. But I would say that good is at least third. Perhaps 40% of the Republican Party today is the Republican Party from 1930. Hitler, Tojo and Mazzini were all on the ascendant. Oh, I see. Even Britain is under attack. Hitler. Oh, that’s his. It’s not your problem. I’d like to discuss this in more detail. When I return. I’ll be back in a moment.

Segment 4

This segment is only 4 minutes long. Let me just say that. I also don’t believe in forever wars, and I dislike the way we have fought our wars over the past three or four decades. What does this have to do with our defense today? Both the isolationists and the guys who are always fighting need to be taught lessons. They’re wrong. That’s not. When it comes to national security and foreign policy, you should be prudent. Let me give you one little hint. Iran, North Korea China and Russia Tell them that we don’t really care what they do in the Middle East. You don’t have to worry about what you do in Europe. We don’t really care what you do. We are only in America. We must secure our border. That’s enough. I’ll tell you a little secret. They’re not. They won’t be influenced, other than to get very excited and put the pedal down to attack us as if they were attacking us right now in the Middle East because they know Joe Biden will do something about it. I’d like to carry this complicated over the next hour. I’ve got a lot more. Stay with me. It’s good to see you again. God bless you. I’ll be back in a moment.

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